How to increase FPS on laptop in Windows x [Step-past-Step]

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating organisation, with a specialization in drivers and commuter troubleshooting. When he's not tackling... Read more

Posted: April 2020

  • Games are meant to be enjoyed, but if your FPS isn't hight enough, that won't be possible.
  • The are multiple things you lot tin practise to improve your FPS, staring from updates and optimizations to overclocking your PC.
  • To ensure your system is always running fast, take a look at our extensive drove of guides on the PC Optimization Page.
  • For more gaming content, including guides, reviews and tips, check out our always-expanding Gaming Hub.

increase fps in windows 10


Whilst Windows x has been optimized for gaming,  you might come across FPS issues like spikes and freezes and the easiest fashion to increase your PC'southward performance is past tuning upwards your system.

The frame rate is the frequency at which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images chosen frames, beingness expressed in frames per second (FPS).

If you want to increase your Windows 10 operation, these tips can aid you get a more impressive graphical operation from your games.

Too, if nosotros're talking well-nigh gaming on Windows ten, mayhap you lot might be interested in reading more nearly DirectX.

How do I become better FPS on my laptop?

  1. Update your drivers
  2. Adjust for all-time performance
  3. Turn on Game Mode
  4. Lower your resolution
  5. Configure Vertical Sync
  6. Overclock your reckoner
  7. Install Razer Cortex
  8. Close background processes and resources consuming programs
  9. Scan for malware
  10. Check your disk for errors

1. Update your drivers

  1. Open a run window (Press[Windows Key] + R)run-window
  2. Typedxdiagand so hitEnter
  3. Select the Display tabdirectx diagnostic tool
  4. Note the name and manufacturer of your card
  • Nvidia video card:
    1. Visit Nvidia'south website
    2. Select the  Product Blazon, Product Series, Product, Operating System, and Language
    3. Printing Search
    4. Press Download
    5. When the commuter is downloaded run the .exe file and if you are prompted by a warning message click on Permit
    6. Follow the setup procedure
    7. Restart your figurer

Note: You can utilize nVidia GeForce Experience to automatically detect and install the correct drivers.

  • ATI video bill of fare:
    1. Visit ATI's website
    2. Select the Type of System, Product family, Product and Operating Organisation you have
    3. Click on Display Results
    4. Download and Run the file
    5. Restart your figurer.

Annotation: You can use AMD Adrenalin to automatically detect and install the correct drivers.

  • Intel video card (version ane):
    1. Visit Intel's website
    2. Click on Check your organization for updates and follow the guide.
    3. If you need assistance, Intel's Utility Folio includes both a Troubleshoot Installation part and a support department to assist you lot.
  • Intel video card (version 2):
    1. Visit Intel's download folio.
    2. Find the product by category choosing the product's family, line and proper name

A driver is a program that helps you communicate with your hardware resources.

To have the best results from your video card, you accept to have your drivers updated with the latest problems fixes and optimizations, and download them from the manufacturer'due south website.

Updating drivers manually are very annoying, so we recommend doing it automatically with the help of a defended tool.

Thus, yous will prevent file loss and even permanent harm to your computer by downloading and installing the incorrect driver versions.

To brand sure that everything goes smoothly and avoid any kind of GPU commuter errors, be certain to use a complete driver update assistant that will solve your problems with only a couple of clicks, and we strongly recommend DriverFix. Follow these easy steps to safely update your drivers:

  1. Download and install DriverFix.
  2. Launch the software.
  3. Expect for DriverFix to discover all your faulty drivers.
  4. The application volition now prove you all the drivers that have problems, and yous merely demand to select the ones you'd liked fixed.
  5. Await for the app to download and install the newest drivers.
  6. Restart your PC for the changes to take effect.


Keep yous GPU on the peaks of their performance without worrying about its drivers.

Disclaimer: this program needs to be upgraded from the free version in guild to perform some specific actions.

2. Adapt for best performance

adjust performance in windows
  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Go to System
  3. From the left column select Avant-garde system settings
  4. In the new window opened select the Avant-garde tab and on the Performance, section click on Settings
  5. Check Adjust for best performance
  6. Optional: Go to the Remote tab in the System Properties and untick the Allow Remote Assistance option
  7. From Command Console, go to Power Options
  8. Select the Loftier Performance / Ultimate Operation power program

3. Turn on Game Mode

  1. Click on the Start button
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click on Gaming
  4. Get to Game Mode
  5. Plow on

4. Lower your resolution

improve fps in games with resolution scale

You can as well enhance FPS rates past lowering graphics settings. Reducing the display resolution may increase FPS rates depending on your hardware.

In other words, this is not a universal recipe, but you should examination it to see if it works in your example.

In most cases, lowering resolution will speed upwardly the gameplay. The best solution is to adjust resolution using the games' graphics settings.

Additionally, some games offer you the possibility to adjust the rendering scale. You lot can lower this to improve the quality of gameplay but this characteristic is not available for all games.

Another option to keep an center out hither is the FPS lock. If yous're using a 60Hz monitor and your FPS is well above that, you might experience tearing. To solve this, lock your FPS at your monitor'due south refresh charge per unit.

5. Configure FreeSync / G-Sync

g-sync and freesync

These two technologies take the same functionality: dynamically adjust your monitor's refresh charge per unit to match the FPS. The difference between them is their compatibility.

G-Sync is an NVidia proprietary engineering science, whilst FreeSync is an open-source standard adult by AMD. Recently, NVidia has started allowing Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) on select FreeSync monitors. They are testing and adding back up for more than monitors with each driver update.

Keep in mind that these features are not bachelor on all monitors, and you lot should cheque the specifications of your screen to encounter if VRR is available.

If your monitor supports VRR, make sure information technology is turned on from the monitor's OSD, and then yous can configure information technology in your GPU's software.

VRR should not exist dislocated with Five-Sync as the latter is a software characteristic that limits your FPS to your monitor'due south refresh rate. It works in the contrary manner to VRR. If you are experiencing vehement in games, then you can plough on 5-Sync.

However, if you don't encounter this issue, and so you should always plow it off, as it will accept a negative touch on your gaming experience.

Heave low FPS for AMD PCs with our great solutions!

6. Overclock your calculator

If you lot're a casual gamer, we don't recommend this solution. However, if you're an avid gamer and y'all know what y'all're doing, you lot may want to overclock your computer to run across if this action boosts your FPS charge per unit.

You lot tin use one of these overclocking software for Windows 10 to cease the job faster.

Go along in mind that overclocking your reckoner may cause overheating bug. In guild to forbid this trouble, you can install cooling software and use a cooling pad as well if you own a gaming laptop.

7. Install Razer Cortex

razer cortex game booster

Razer Cortex is a gratuitous game booster that optimizes your calculator for gaming. Every bit Razer explains, this tool improves your PC's performance by managing and killing processes and apps you don't need while gaming.

In this manner, games can access and use estimator resources and RAM, resulting in higher frames per second and smoother gaming functioning.

Razer Cortex besides comes with a built-in FPS counter that shows yous the verbal FPS that your system is pumping out, offer you lot real-time feedback on tweaking your game settings.

Using Cortex: Boost is very simple. The tool automatically kicks in when you striking the play push. When you close your gaming session, the software auto-restores your computer back to the land information technology was before.

Download Razer Cortex

Don't forget to check out this list of the all-time game booster software that you tin can install on your calculator to get an crawly gaming experience.

8. Close background processes and resources consuming programs

Information technology can happen to accept processes that consume a lot of resources and you don't need to run at this moment (for example chat applications, browsers, etc.).

  1. Right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager
  2. From the Processes tab shut whatever process you don't demand except the system processes

You can too take a expect in Add/Remove Programs to uninstall software you don't utilize anymore or it was installed along with another program.

  1. Go to Control Panel
  2. Select Uninstall a Program or Programs and Features
  3. Look for the unwanted software and click on Uninstall

ix. Scan for malware

The malware installs on your computer without your permission for the purpose of stealing information and damaging your system. You tin can find on the internet many malware removal free programs

For more information on malware removal solutions, check out this commodity on the best Windows ten virus removal tools to vanquish malware for good.

You can also remove real-time protection software like Microsoft Security Essentials or Spybot Search and Destroy because they slow down your system.

Looking for the best antivirus for gaming PCs? Hither are the best options.

10. Cheque your deejay for errors

  1. Start Control Prompt as administrator
  2. Type the chkdsk C: /f command followed by the Enter key
  3. Replace C with the letter of your hard drive partition
command prompt chkdsk

As a quick reminder, if you lot do non use the /f parameter, chkdsk displays a message that the file needs to be stock-still, merely information technology does not gear up any errors. Thechkdsk D: /f command detects and repairs logical bug affecting your drive. To repair concrete bug, run the /r parameter every bit well.

command prompt chkdsk

On Windows 7 and Windows 8.ane, go to hard drives > correct-click the drive that you lot want to bank check  > select Properties > Tool. Under the 'Error-checking' department, click Check.

check for hdd errors

Example: How to increase FPS in Fortnite

more fps in fortnite
  1. Adjust Windows for better performance, every bit shown above
  2. Correct-click on the bulldoze you take Fortnite installed and select Properties
  3. Untick the Permit files on this bulldoze to have contents indexed… box (Employ to subfolders equally well)
  4. Disable Windows notifications and Focus Assist
  5. Turn off Windows Game Bar
  6. Plow on Game Mode
  7. Update your system and drivers to the latest versions
  8. Optional: Disable High Precision Upshot Timer. To do this, open CMD equally an administrator and type in:
    • bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock
  9. Run Disk Cleanup on your organization drive
  10. Decrease graphics details in-game

While Fortnite doesn't have the highest graphics requirements, as it was intended to run on most systems, you tin can nevertheless increase your FPS by following our guide and doing the tweaks nosotros've shown here.

Example: How to increase FPS in PUBG

increase performance in pubg
  1. Follow the steps highlighted above
  2. Go through the optimizations lister higher up for Fortnite
  3. Set your in-game graphics lower, specifically Effects, Shadows and Foliage

Note: If you are running out of video memory, follow our guide to fix the consequence.

Bonus: Use FPS booster software

Now Fornite or PUGB are two examples. But what almost other games, how to increase FPS on Valorant, Minecraft, Warzone, and so on?

We reckon there is a unproblematic way to do information technology regardless of the game y'all fancy and that is by using FPS booster software.

We know you accept a lot of questions and nosotros volition try to address them all, starting with how prophylactic are FPS boosters in the starting time place.

In fact, they are no different than any other apps you might be using to enhance computing performance in one way or another. Their function is to make your games run smoothly.

Of form, they will not deed the aforementioned and some may even perform different functions and tackle different aspects of the enhancing process.

For example, some will lower your ping, while others volition optimize furnishings and handle resource allocation in social club to allow you to make the most of your rig when overclocking your system.

With such a generous offer at mitt, you might have a hard time picking the tool that best suits your needs. And then, which game booster is all-time?

One time again, we made certain yous take everything you need to make an educated choice, then feel free to explore our peak picks for game booster software on the market.

Nosotros hope that the solutions listed above helped you lot boost the FPS rate. If you come across other workarounds to improve FPS, requite united states of america more details about these solutions in the annotate department below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To a point, yes. If your arrangement doesn't accept enough retentiveness, you will run across a decline in performance. However, you will have diminishing returns once you go past a certain corporeality. Typically, a gaming system will run fine with 8-16 Gb of RAM. Some other (and some times more important) aspect is RAM frequency, equally some CPUs perform improve when paired college memory clocks.

  • Yes. Not only do newer drivers improve performance, but they as well increment stability and add together optimizations for games. It is highly recommended that yous keep your system upward to date. For this, we recommend TweakBit Driver Updater every bit an automated tool to keep your drivers fresh.

  • Limiting your FPS is typically recommended when yous notice screen tearing. This happens because your GPU is pumping out frames faster than your monitor can display them. It is generally recommended to limit your FPS to your monitor'south refresh rate.

  • As mentioned in our roundup of the best FPS counters, we recommend Bandicam Screen Recorder, all the same, in that location are multiple other solutions bachelor. If you own an nVidia graphics carte, you can enable the FPS counter directly from GeForce Feel.

  • As discussed in this article, you should update your drivers, shut background programs or utilise game booster software. For the more than tech-savvy, you lot can overclock your organisation to squeeze out every final bit of performance.